Often referred to as “residential roofing” due to the fact that most homes in the U.S. are constructed with some sort of pitch to the roof, Steep Slope Roofing includes all materials that are installed on structures over substrates with a slope of 3/12 or greater. For residential construction, the roof can consist of 40% of the exterior appearance of a home, making it critical that the materials used are visually appealing. The extensive variety of materials, which includes slate, tile, metal and shingles, allows you to choose a Steep Slope System that meets both your performance and aesthetic needs.
Material Types:
Slate: Slate is a natural material formed into shingles and tiles. Colors of slate vary by region. The Northeast has deposits of green, purple, grey and red slate, while Virginia is noted for the best slate on earth – Buckingham. Slate is noted for its durability, fire resistance and long in-service life and beauty.
Tile: Tile roofing is traditionally made by baking molded clay. Tile, like slate was prevalent in construction from the 1700‘s to early 1900’s. The material was locally sourced and readily available. Benefits from tile include fire resistance, durability, long in-service life and beauty.
Metal: Metal Roofing is an alternative to the more traditional Slate and Tile systems. Metal roofs can be installed over solid surfaces or open framing. Benefits include durability, long in-service life and aesthetics. Metal roofs have numerous types of base material: Copper, Zinc, Terne, Steel and Aluminum.
Copper: A natural metal that will not corrode or rust. Installed initially with a bright finish that patina’s to a beautiful green.
Zinc: A natural material that retains its original look. It has a few color variations – Grey, Dark Grey and Dark Blue/Grey.
Terne: Frequently refered to as “Tin”. Tin is no longer commercially produced for roofing; however, this is the modern day replacement. Terne is a manmade material of carbon and stainless steel.
Steel: It is the most common base metal for most standing seam metal roofs. Steel panels today are traditionally installed with a kynar finish paint (equivalent to a high quality auto paint). Steel roofing is very durable and affordable compared to copper, zinc, terne or aluminum.
Aluminum: Aluminum is used as a base metal when weight or corrosion are a concern. Like steel, it comes with a kynar paint finish.
